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How to handle Overpayments

When a homeowner overpays their account, RunHOA provides a systematic way to handle the overpayment by recording it as a liability and issuing a refund if necessary. Below is a step-by-step guide using an example where the assessment is $300, the homeowner pays $350 (overpaying by $50), and the $50 is later refunded.

  1. Check Existing Accounts:
    • Navigate to the Liabilities section in RunHOA.
    • Look for an account named “Overpayments” under “Current Liabilities.”
  2. Add a New Account if Needed:
    • If “Overpayments” does not exist, click Add New Account.
    • Account Description: Enter “Overpayments.”
    • Opening Balance: Set it to $0.
    • Click Save to create the account.

  1. Go to the Deposits Module:
    • Navigate to the Deposits section in RunHOA.
  2. Enter Deposit Details:
    • Bank Account: Select the appropriate bank account (e.g., PNC Bank Checking).
    • Date: Enter the date of the payment.
    • Name: Select the homeowner who made the payment (e.g., John Smith).
    • Total Amount: Enter the total payment amount (e.g., $350).
    • Memo: Add a note (e.g., “Overpaid by $50. Will send a refund check.”).
  3. Allocate the Payment:
    • Account Category: Select the assessment category (e.g., Annual Assessment).
    • Amount: Allocate $300 to the assessment.
    • Add Splits:
      • Category: Select “Overpayments.”
      • Amount: Enter the overpaid amount ($50).
  4. Save the Deposit:
    • Click Save to finalize the deposit.
  5. Verify in Liabilities:
    • Navigate to the Liabilities section.
    • Confirm that the overpayment ($50) is recorded under “Overpayments” in the liability totals.
Recording the Assesment and Overpayment

Balance Sheet

  1. Go to the Withdrawals Module:
    • Navigate to the Withdrawals section in RunHOA.
  2. Enter Withdrawal Details:
    • Bank Account: Select the same bank account used for the deposit (e.g., PNC Bank Checking).
    • Date: Enter the date the refund check was cleared
    • Name: Select the homeowner (e.g., John Smith).
    • Total Amount: Enter the refund amount ($50).
    • Memo: Add a note (e.g., “Refund Check Cleared”).
    • Check Number: Enter the check number if applicable.
  3. Allocate the Refund:
    • Account Category: Select “Overpayments.”
    • Amount: Enter the refund amount ($50).
  4. Save the Withdrawal:
    • Click Save to finalize the withdrawal.
  5. Verify in Liabilities:
    • Navigate to the Liabilities section.
    • Confirm that the “Overpayments” liability is now $0, and the refund has been properly recorded.

Recording the Refund

Balance Sheet
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