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This guide provides instructions on how to manage homeowner information within your HOA. Properly maintaining owner records is essential for an organized and up-to-date directory.

  • From the main dashboard, click on the ‘Directory’ menu.
  • Under this menu, select ‘Owners’ to access the homeowner information.

Viewing Homeowner List

  • A list of units along with their respective owners’ names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers will be displayed.
  • Use the ‘Quick search’ feature to locate specific owners or navigate through the list using the pagination controls at the bottom.

Adding a New Homeowner

  • Click on the ‘+ Add New Owner’ button to enter a new homeowner into the system.
  • Fill in the details of the homeowner:
    • ‘Unit Title’: the name or identifier of the property.
    • ‘1st Owner Name’ and ‘2nd Owner Name’: full names of the property owners.
    • ‘E-Mail’ and ‘Phone’: contact details for each owner.
    • Set the ‘Status’ to indicate the current ownership status (e.g., ‘Active Owner’, ‘Pending Ownership Transfer’, etc.).

  • To update an owner’s information, click on the edit icon (pencil) next to the owner’s entry.
  • Make the required changes in the respective fields.

  • Click ‘Save’ to update the homeowner’s details.
  • To remove a homeowner from the directory, click ‘Delete’.

  • The ‘Filter’ option can be used to display only specific entries based on criteria.
  • ‘Display/Print’ provides options to output the information in various formats.

  • Regular verification of contact details ensures efficient communication with homeowners.
  • Keep the ownership status updated to reflect any changes in property ownership accurately.

  1. Navigate to the Administration Setup section of the platform.
  2. In the setup options, locate the section labeled Directory Info (as shown in the first screenshot).
  3. Under Directory Info, find the Show Owner Category option.
  4. Select Yes to enable the Owner Categories functionality for the system.
    • This setting will allow the display of owner categories within the Owner form and Owner directory grid.
  5. Click Save to apply the changes.
  1. Once Owner Categories are enabled, navigate to the Owner Categories page within the Administration module (as shown in the second screenshot).
  2. You can create a list of default categories, as per your requirement such as:
    • Home Owner
    • Tenant Owner
    • Builder Owner
    • Investor Owner
    • Commercial Owner
    • Vacant Lot Owner
  3. To add a new category:
    • Click the Add New button.
    • Enter the desired category name (for example, Secondary Home Owner).
    • Assign a sequence number to determine its order in the list.
    • Save the new category.
  4. To edit or delete an existing category:
    • Use the Edit or Delete icons next to the category name.
  1. When adding or editing an owner (as shown in the third screenshot), the Owner Categories section will now be visible.
  2. Click the Edit button under the Owner Categories section to assign or modify the category for an owner.
    • Example categories: Tenant Owner, Home Owner, etc.
  3. Save the changes.
  1. After categories are set up, they will appear in the Owner Directory Grid.
  2. The category assigned to each owner will be displayed under the Category column for easy reference.
  3. This feature allows administrators to quickly identify different owner types such as Home Owner, Tenant Owner, Builder Owner, etc.
  • This setup only needs to be done once, and all future owners will be categorized based on the list of owner categories you have set up.
  • Only Administrators have access to view the owner categories.

In RunHOA setup, the “Show Owner Activities” option must be set to Yes in the setup to display the four linked activity buttons for each owner. These buttons allow access to the following activity logs:

  • Dues Log
  • Payment Log
  • Requests
  • Violations

Once the setting is enabled, these activity buttons will appear in the Owner Grid. Clicking on any of the buttons will bring up the respective screen with detailed records for that particular owner’s dues, payments, requests, or violation history.

By default, these activity buttons are only visible to users with administrative privileges, ensuring that sensitive owner information is protected and accessible only to authorized personnel.

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